Monday, September 13, 2010

Evening Finds 2


Another evening hunting but with an added twist--we were spending the night out there, looking for more snakes after hunting and then hunting again in the morning. So we made our way out, keeping a careful eye out for any snakes or other animals. Saw a few lizards darting back into holes as we walked by but nothing crazy. We checked out our rattlesnake den and sure enough he was still in there. After hunting the evening we got our flashlights out and went for a late evening walk looking for animals. We brought along a BB gun to try to get a kangaroo rat to try to feed to the rattlesnake. Very quickly we saw what we at first thought to be a kangaroo rat but turned out to be a large toad. After consulting my handy-dandy field guide book I found out it was a Sonoran Desert Toad. We found there to be a whole lot of young ones all around the water hole. We put a few down the rattlesnake den but he just rattled at them and let them be. We continued on and after a short walk we came across a Desert Banded Gecko. I do prefer them over the Mediterranean House Gecko that lives around your house in the city. 

We didn't find anything else even after a short drive up and down the road nearby. But we did manage to get a kangaroo rat and so we headed back to the rattlesnake den. I pushed the dead kangaroo rat into the den with a stick and the snake went right up to it and smelled it. Then I moved it a little bit more and the snake took it. Then we preceded to film it as you can see here.

After that amazing experience we were heading back to camp to sleep and came across another gecko. That finished out our night pretty well. The morning went by without any animal sitings but we had a good hunt as well.

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