Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rabbit Hunting


Today my two brothers, friend, and I went rabbit hunting on Four Peaks rd. We noticed they were doing some construction where the old dirt parking lot and bathrooms had been. It seems they are filling it with various desert plants. There are rows of agaves, pronghorn cholla, saguaros, etc, which will look kinda strange for so many desert plants to be grouped together but we'll see what they plan on doing with it.

We went out with two .22's and two 20 gauge shotguns and paired up so each two had a rifle and shotgun. We ended up getting two cotton tail rabbits to add to dinner the following evening. I do need to find a better recipe for cooking the rabbit because they are a tough meat. Something that would tender them up and make them better would be great. If you have any methods of cooking rabbit, please leave a comment. It would be greatly appreciated. I didn't post any pictures of the rabbits because they were kind of gruesome and I know some people reading this blog wouldn't appreciate it. But the view around there is amazing with Four Peaks and Weaver's Needle in the background.

As we were heading back to the car to head home, I saw a whitish blur on the ground. A lizard! Twice in the surrounding area I have seen a white blur but never got close enough to distinguish the species of lizard. I had been hoping it was the desert iguana, known to be quite fast and a white/grey color. It is still a possibility but after going out riding the next week (in a different area) I saw a very similar blur but was able to identify it. I will post that story later. As for rabbit hunting we will probably go out again soon if not for the main purpose of dove hunting which starts Sept. 1-15. Hopefully I will have some good stories from hunting during that time.

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